Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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25.06.2015 Review: Joint INCENSe / FINESCE workshop
17.06.2015 Special Session on Event-based Energy Metering and Control at EBCCSP 2015 in Krakow, Poland
27.04.2015 Review: FINESCE Open Day Trial Site Malmö
20.04.2015 Flexible Electrical Networks FEN - 3. Low-voltage workshop
27.03.2015 Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015
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FINESCE Innovation Events finished - for now!
5 cities - 5 events - more than 150 SMEs

The first innovation event was launched in Berlin in September 2013, the following events were held at the FINESCE trial sites in Dublin (Ireland), Malmo (Sweden), Horsens (Denmark) and Terni (Italy).
For many companies the FINESCE innovation events were the first contact with the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
They received information about the FI-PPP, the FINESCE project and the FINESCE open call and funding scheme.
The companies had the opportunity to present themselves and their ideas regarding the open call in 99 seconds presentations and get additional information about the FINESCE trial sites at the networking tables. The FINESCE-team also gave the participants an outlook for the phase 3 as companies that fail in the phase 2 Open Call will have a second chance in the phase 3 Open Call.
The successful concept of the Innovation Events will be continued in 2014 with the next Innovation Day currently planned at the FINESCE Trial Site in Madrid in March. To stay informed about events and proceedings in FINESCE and discuss with the members of our Innovation Community, join our LinkedIn group.
See also the reviews of our past Innovation Events below:
Review Innovation Event Germany, Berlin: 10th September 2013
Review Innovation Event Ireland, Dublin: 12th September 2013
Review Innovation Event Sweden, Malmo/Hyllie: 1st October 2013
Review Innovation Event Denmark, Horsens: 9th October 2013
Review Innovation Event Italy, Terni: 17th October 2013