Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
Latest news
25.06.2015 Review: Joint INCENSe / FINESCE workshop
17.06.2015 Special Session on Event-based Energy Metering and Control at EBCCSP 2015 in Krakow, Poland
27.04.2015 Review: FINESCE Open Day Trial Site Malmö
20.04.2015 Flexible Electrical Networks FEN - 3. Low-voltage workshop
27.03.2015 Review: FINESCE at the Net Futures 2015
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Open Call - no update available, yet!
We are still waiting for the results.
In the last few days, we received several requests about new information
concerning the FINESCE Open Call that closed in November.
I am sorry to
say that there is no new information available, yet, as we are still
waiting to hear from the European Commission regarding their descision.
We will update you as soon as we have new information!