Brochure „The FINESCE Smart Energy Platform“
Deliverable 7.8 „Consolidated Trial Results“
Deliverable 7.10 „Consolidated Report Innovation and Business“
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Review: Joint workshop with Kyoto University
7.4.2015, RWTH AachenA delegation from the Renewable Energy Economics Program of the Kyoto industry and a delegation from FINESCE discussed research issues and smart energy trends in Europe and Japan.Especially the platform approach was in the focus of the discussions.
It appeared that in both countries participants see a need to provide smart energy platforms to enable the development and the deployment smart energy applications and support the implementation of renewable energy sources. It was also discussed how such a platform can actually take over key market functions like replacing the energy whole sale market.
All participants agreed to continue the discussion in follow-up workshops within the next months.

Figure: Fiona Williams with the delegates from Japan
Attendants of the workshop
Renewable Energy Economics Program, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University:
Kimio Yamaka, Professor
Katsuhiko Naito, Professor
Takuo Nakayama, Assistant Professor
Sprint Capital Japan Ltd.
Hikaru Yamada, President, (Energy consultant)
Dr. Fiona Williams, Research Director
Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems at E.ON Energy Research Center
Antonello Monti, Professor and Director of the Institute
Bettina Schäfer, Chief Engineer
Padraic McKeever, Research Assistant
B.A.U.M. Consult
Alexander von Jagwitz, Consultant
Organiser: RWTH Aachen